I learn something new about Revit every day. A client just asked if it is possible to change the font type on a Revit stair that was labeled using the tread number tool. I investigated. The tool is located in the annotation tab in the tag panel. Hover over a stair and place.
When you select the tread numbering you will see the following. Note that Edit Type is greyed out. There are no type properties. You can change the number size, but not the font type.
I also had a look around the Mange tab to see if there were any settings, but I could find none.
As usual, if I get an inkling that it is not possible to do something in Revit, I trawl the internet, especially the Revit Idea station. In this case I quickly found the entry and was able to advise that it is something that still needs to be implemented in Revit and that the likelihood of implementation is dependent on voting for the idea. I did just that.
Feedback to Autodesk regarding this can be done by voting for the idea here. I recommend sending it out in a mailer and asking colleagues and contemporaries to vote for it. If you have the time, trawl the idea station and vote for the ideas you think are important for future development.
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