Recently I developed a project on which I tried to scale the ISO 19650 standard on the Autodesk Construction Cloud as much as possible. I considered the vertical integration of departments in companies operating in their respective task teams. The coding becomes difficult to memorize, and I was reduced to including descriptions in the folder naming according to some scheme of mine to make sense of the folders.
This increased the file path length, and that is a problem with both the Autodesk Construction Cloud and Windows.
For files synced to the PC in Autodesk Docs, the length of the Autodesk Docs Root Folder (C:\Users\Username\DC\ACCDocs) plus the relative path of the file (up to 400 chars) cannot be more than 520 characters.
Now we finally can add a description to a folder (which negates the necessity to include the description somewhere).
Consider the image below that shows the contrast between the two methods. The task teams are denoted by a two-character field.

While it is not that easy to navigate, it is possible if one selects the tree nodes to expose the descriptions. Everybody that used Docs must just be made aware of this method of navigating the platform.
I must still transform the rest of the project, and it will take some time and getting used to, but then I will be incorporating the new folder structure in our Autodesk Construction Cloud Template.
Now if only someone can get rid of that pesky superfluous 14 character “Projects Files” folder. I mean, we can’t even create other folders in the project root folder, so why have it there at all?

If you need help adopting the AEC Collection or the Autodesk Construction Cloud in your practice or you are looking to invest in hardware, please contact Micrographics so that we may be of assistance.

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