Advance Steel stands out as an exceptional structural steel drafting package. However, harnessing its full potential requires users to navigate its intricacies adeptly, unlocking significant value in the process.
While adjusting the precision of metrics displayed in the BOM might seem straightforward, it’s not as simple as tweaking the Units Precision setting in Advance Steel’s Management Tools. Instead, it necessitates modifying the actual BOM template.
Here’s how to adjust the precision of metrics in your BOM:
- Access the BOM Editor:
- Navigate to the Output tab ribbon and click on the BOM Editor.
- Navigate to the Material List Template:
- Within the BOM Editor, locate and select the Material list template.
- Edit or Duplicate the Template:
- You have the option to either edit the native template directly or create a duplicate and modify it. It’s advisable to create a copy to preserve the original template.
- Adjust Precision Settings:
- Right-click on your selected template and choose Template Units.
- Navigate to the appropriate tab and modify the precision settings according to your requirements.
- Save Your Changes:
- Once all modifications are complete, remember to save your template.
- Reload Advance Steel:
- Close Advance Steel and reopen it. Your updated BOM template should now be available for selection.
- Switch to User Profile:
- When accessing the BOM Templates window/panel, ensure to switch from the UK/USA to the User profile to view your customized template.

By following these steps, you can tailor the precision of metrics in your BOM to suit your project’s needs effectively, enhancing clarity and accuracy in your documentation.
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