Utilizing the Sketch Driven Pattern Feature for Efficient Hole Placement in Inventor Parts

This tool can be highly effective for adding multiple holes to your inventor parts, simplifying the process of adding or removing holes reliably.

Step 1: Create a 3D part file (e.g., an L-Bracket).

Step 2: Create a new sketch on the relevant face where the holes are to be added. Add one circle and place points for all other hole positions, dimensioning them accordingly.

Step 3: Use the Hole command to add a plain Ø6mm hole. Note: Deselect all points added to the sketch, and only select the point within the circle to add the single Ø6 hole.

Step 4: Utilize the Sketch Driven Pattern feature. Select the hole as the feature to use, expand the + next to the Hole feature in the feature tree, and select the sketch. This should highlight all the points as indicated. Then, click OK.

This will yield the desired result. While the example uses the hole feature, this method can be applied to any feature or even a solid body. I encourage you to experiment with this interesting pattern feature and explore how it can be used within assemblies.

Tips and Tricks: To add or remove holes, edit the sketch under the hole feature in the feature tree, add or delete points as needed, and accept the sketch to see the automatically updated part. Below is an example with three additional holes added to demonstrate the result. You can also delete any unwanted points, but the circle in the sketch must remain, as the entire Sketch Driven Pattern is based on the point used to add the hole to the part.

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