To gain access to the Diagnostic logs, there are some interesting steps to take regarding the Desktop Connector. One is the mode of opening the connector. We usually either click or right click on the icon in the system tray.
In this case, we press and hold Shift and then Right Mouse Click (RMC) on the Desktop Connector. Now we expose a more advanced interface for the Desktop Connector from which one can even select the Diagnostic Mode. The mode we chose to generate the Diagnostic Logs is “Verbose”. One can then generate the log files and gain access to them to submit during support cases or to try to make sense of yourself.
Knowing that you can open Desktop Connector with this added capability is interesting and I will be looking at this a bit further to see if there is a gain to be had from any of the processes exposed.
If you need help adopting the AEC Collection or the Autodesk Construction Cloud in your practice or you are looking to invest in hardware, please contact Micrographics so that we may be of assistance.

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