How to create the site’s Property Lines in Revit
I have recently been asked about information about creating a Revit sites and topography and so I am showing you in this blog how to set up a South African property line, to start off with.
A main consideration when creating the site is to understand where North is that the sun analysis will work correctly. The first step in this process is to set up the property line in Revit.
We are using an example site diagram from a book called Building Construction and Graphics standards authored by Andre Grobbelaar on page 22.. This example is of a site set up by the Surveyor General and has angles of direction of each of the sides of the site, that we’ll use to create the site in Revit.
First step is to set up Revit so that we can use the data from the site diagram. In Revit’s Site setting set both the setting as shown below. Set the Angle Display to ‘Degrees’ and the Contour Display to start at -100m. This is just if we want to see contour lines below 0 heights.
Now open the Property Line tool from the Massing and Site ribbon tab and select ‘Create by distance and bearings. “ option. A dialogue will pop up and you can enter the angles and directions as per the site diagram. Use millimetres to add the lengths and use spaces between the degrees, minutes and seconds values. For the last entry ( FA) use the Line to Close option instead of typing the info. This is a check to see if you have correctly done the previous inputs, as the Line shows its length and angle info and this you can match to the given values next to line FA and if they are the same, then you know you have entered all the previous info correctly.
Once done. Click OK and place the site on your drawing.
You’ll notice its upside down. This is because the positive SA X value is downward and Revit point upwards. We just rotate the site 180 degrees with the normal rotate tool. Also because we’re doing this the Angles and Directions are inaccurate so trace the site lines with a normal Detail Line. And then delete the Property line underneath. In the image below I just moved the Property line away before deleting it to show you the Detail lines.
Now go to the Symbol tool and add a North sign pointing upward. You’ll notice that North now matches the Site diagram’s North.
In this blog we’ve added a Revit Property line indicating the site extents and the North symbol to show the direction of North. There are other ways to do the above and find North, but this is one way.
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