In today’s construction industry, optimizing steel use is not just important—it’s essential. As projects become more complex, managing this task efficiently can be daunting. Enter Nest 1D, the game-changing tool that simplifies the nesting of thousands of beams into their respective stock lengths. With Nest 1D, you’ll effortlessly create order and stock lists, track offcuts, and achieve both economical and environmentally friendly designs.
📋 Part 01: From Revit to Excel Learn how to set up and create a schedule in Revit, export it to Excel, and make the necessary adjustments. This foundational step ensures your data is ready for Nest 1D.
🔄 Parts 02 and 03: Maximizing Nest 1D’s Potential Dive deep into importing your spreadsheet into Nest 1D, setting up stock lengths, calculating utilization, and generating detailed reports. See how Nest 1D transforms your workflow for maximum efficiency.
Join us and discover how Nest 1D can revolutionize your steel use optimization, making your projects more cost-effective and sustainable.

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