Interoperability between different software packages is a significant and unavoidable topic in engineering and construction projects. Even if you maintain a consistent library of tools from the same developer, it’s common to encounter scenarios where stakeholders rely on a completely different set of software. Integrating with these diverse packages often becomes a fixed requirement for many projects.
SAP2000, part of the CSi suite of software, is a prominent example. It supports various non-native file formats (non-native meaning formats not originally developed for SAP2000). Despite being particularly popular in the United States, increasing international collaboration deems any package relevant.
Prokon Sumo is another powerful tool often used in structural engineering. So, the critical question arises: Does Prokon Sumo and SAP2000 share any common file formats for interoperability?
The answer is yes. Both Prokon Sumo and SAP2000 support the IFC4 Structural Analysis View file format (see blog on importing IFC’s into Sumo). This means that models can be exported from and imported into both applications using this format, typically with minimal data loss.

To maximize the efficiency of your workflows, it’s essential to document any information that may be lost during these file transfers. By understanding and noting what data does not carry over seamlessly, you can avoid redundant efforts and ensure that your project data is managed effectively.
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