Revit 2024 now allows you to specify the default save location for your local copies of your collaboration files. This is some help as the user had to search the local files in App Data before, and few people knew how to do that.
Unfortunately, although we can now easily find the local backups, Revit is still not designating the local copies with the name of the file. Instead, a global unique identifier (GUID) is used to name the file. Both the size and the date of the files must be used to identify the local copies if you need them, and some time can be spent trying to identify them. Perhaps, in the future, we will have the local files names as per the filenames we designate, but for now this must suffice. Still, Revit 2024 is an improvement on Revit 2023.
If you need help adopting Revit or the Autodesk Construction Cloud in your practice, please contact Micrographics so that we may be of assistance.
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