Revit to Advance Steel: Mapping (Part 02)

In Part 01, we covered the fundamental aspects of using the Advance Steel Extension for Revit, including its purpose and the location of relevant commands in both Revit and Advance Steel.

Now, let’s delve into the mapping process.

When exporting a Revit model to Advance Steel, you’ll often need to specify the equivalent profiles for Revit Families. This mapping process ensures accuracy in the structural steel model. You can find the Export command in the Add-Ins tab ribbon in Revit.

Upon export, the Export utilities window appears, allowing you to select the relevant Country Library. In South Africa, the UK Country Library is commonly used as the standard. If you’ve customized Families or use a different library, manual mapping is necessary.

After exporting the Revit model as a .smlx file, you can import it into Advance Steel. During the import process, the Section conversion window appears, where you’ll specify equivalent sections for Revit Families.

While this process may seem tedious, it’s essential for maintaining accuracy. Fortunately, it’s typically a one-time task unless Advance Steel needs reinstallation.

For a deeper understanding of the mapping process and techniques to expedite it, check out Part 03. We’ll explore “fast-track” methods and discuss the utility of mapping files.

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