Shared Coordinates from Civil 3D Linked Topography

As I show in the video, after I had set up a coordinate system that should have been perfectly aligned to the coordinate system of a Civil 3D file, upon linking in the Topography into the Revit model, there seems to be a difference.

I align the coordinate system of Revit with the Imported topography and use that as the new coordinate system. I do this at the beginning of a project so that I may propagate this coordinate system by using it as the shared coordinate system. I suggest using the Topographic model to set this all up.

This is important as one would otherwise have to fix the coordinate system in all of one’s model afterwards. This is a lot of extra work and if it can be avoided, it should.

If you need help using Revit and Civil 3D in your projects, please contact Micrographics so we may be of assistance.

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