AutoCAD’s Match Properties tool is a powerful feature that allows you to quickly and efficiently apply the properties of one object to another. This can save you a significant amount of time when working with complex drawings, ensuring consistency and accuracy in your design.
Navigate to the “Home” tab on the ribbon and look for the “Properties” panel. Click on the “Match Properties” tool, which is represented by a paintbrush icon. You can also type MATCHPROP into the command line and press Enter.

After activating the tool, you’ll be prompted to select the object that has the properties you want to copy. Click on this source object to specify it.
Next, you’ll be asked to select the object(s) to which you want to apply the properties. Click on the target object or objects. You can select multiple objects if needed by holding down the Shift or Ctrl key while clicking.
Once you’ve selected your target objects, AutoCAD will apply the properties from the source object. Check your drawing to ensure that the properties have been applied correctly. If necessary, you can use the Undo command to revert any changes and try again.
For more precise control, you can use the “Match Properties” options to filter which properties you want to copy. To do this, type MATCHPROP into the command line, then use the options available to specify which property categories (e.g., color, line type, line weight) to include or exclude.

By using the Match Properties tool, you can streamline your workflow, maintain design consistency, and adjust your drawings more efficiently. It’s a valuable feature that, once mastered, can greatly enhance your productivity in AutoCAD.

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