Fundamentals of Autodesk Fusion

Autodesk Fusion has multiple design capability, with toolsets that redefines the Modeling process in the Design and Manufacturing industry. Here we are going to have a look at the fundamentals of Fusion.

Feature Based Modelling

Feature Based Modelling can evolve a design by creating Specific Features for instance, Extrude, Revolve or Hole Command tools, These Features are created from your 2D Profiles. Pick and Place Features can be added to your Model, for instance Holes, Fillets and Chambers.

Parametric Features

Adding Dimensions and constrains to your Sketches. Dimensioning and using of constraints are important steps in Parametric Modelling. Consider the Following: How might the design need to change and how the dimensions or constraints are affecting the change, and when added how that would affect the sketch behavior.

Direct Manipulation Modelling

With Direct Modelling you can create and edit designs without needing Dimensional Constraints.

Managing Assembled Designs

Designs consist of Multiple Components that communicate and shows how an assembled Product is designed. Components can be created in a single design, or Components can be inserted into a single Design, by adding Joints to create the relationships.

Design Documentation

Tools in the Drawing Environment enables you to Create Production-Ready Drawings for Manufacturing. Details are added to your Drawings, that communicates additional information that is needed or required.


This means that if a change has been made to a part it would update through Fusion into every Drawing part and assembly that is linked to the change, without going to manually make the changes throughout Fusion

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