Fusion Manufacturing 2D Milling toolsets

We are going to have a look at what some of the different 2D toolsets are in the Milling tab, and how they can be Utilized.

In the 2D Pannel we are going to have a look at the following toolsets that are used in the machining stages:

  • 2D Adaptive Clearing
  • 2D Pocket
  • Face
  • 2D Contour
  • Slot
  • Trace
  • 2D Chamfer

Let’s have a look at these 2D toolsets and what they entail.

2D Adaptive Clearing

This creates a roughing operation that uses a more optimized toolpath. You can Clear a cavity, open pockets, or machine an area around a boss as examples. Adaptive Clearing eliminates conventional cutting moves or any changes in directions.

2D Pocket Uses toolpaths Parallel to selected Geometry. This includes Various ramp options. You can clear cavities, open pockets. The machining area can be selected from edges, sketches and solid faces. Can be used as roughing operation with options to finish the pass.

Face option is used to remove the required material from the stock to the model workpiece surface to create a high-quality surface Finish.

2D Contour creates a 2D contour toolpath, meaning this tool allows for the machining of a specific or required profile. Usually used as a finishing operation.

Slot milling is the machining process required when a rotating tool with multiple cutting edges are used to create grooves, slots, keyways or channels.

Trace Milling allows you to machine edge contours.

Lastly 2D Chamfer is used to create a beveled edge on a part. A tapered tool is required to create a chamfer.

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