Tips on Fusion for Basic Design

Before any sketching is started, it is important to visualize what the product would look like. Any sketch that you create and convert into a 3D solid needs planning, a way forward on how to best utilize the toolsets that’s available.

Let’s have a look at some tips and tricks that might assist you in utilizing the toolsets the best way possible.

When creating a sketch, it is important to get the shape of your sketch in the correct orientation and utilizing as much of the constraints as possible. A shortcut that can be used for Dimensioning is D on the Keyboard and this will open the Dimension tool.

One of the most important things to remember about sketching is to remember to fully constrain your sketch. I will use my constraints first to setup the sketch orientation as much as possible, not to clutter the drawing with all the unnecessary dimensions. This way using the equal and horizontal constraints, it was easy to get the drawing fully constraint without over cluttering the sketch with dimensions.

While in the Sketch Environment, and your sketch is fully constrained, you can Press E, and the Extrude will open. This can be time saving as you don’t have to finish the sketch and then select the Extrude tool command.

When you are unsure what a shortcut might be for a specific tool, you can Hover over the Specific tool, and a shortcut will show, next to the name. Another option will be to type in S and the search bar will pop up. Here you can type in the shortcut you are looking for or can even add it to the shortcut menu.

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