Autodesk Inventor has the capability to run frame analysis. Here we are going to have a look at some of the key factors.
Frame Analysis has a manage tab where you can create your simulation, can choose the simulation type: Static Analysis or Modal Analysis, Parameters , and rename your Simulation.

The Frame Analysis Properties will be able to show information regarding the Following:
- Beam Properties
- Material Properties.

In Inventor you Have different Analysis constraints that can be selected. Let’s have a look at a summary of what these different constraints mean:

- Fixed: Removes all degrees of freedom from the selected geometry.
- Pinned: Removes displacement degrees of freedom from selected geometry

Floating Pinned Constrained: Removes displacement degrees of freedom in a specified direction in a frame structure.

Custom: Defines Degrees of Freedom in a specified Node of the structure

With the Frame analysis different loads could be applied
- Add Force: Defines a force of a specified magnitude to be selected on the beam or node.

Continuous Load: Defines uniform load distributed along selected beams. defines the direction and magnitude of uniform force.

General Moment: Structurally Loads a beam you select with a nodal moment of a specified magnitude and direction.

Axial Moment: Applies a nodal torque load in the plane perpendicular to the beam axis.

Bending Moment: Applies a nodal bending moment in the plane parallel to the beam axis

Simulate tab a simulation based on your configuration. After the Simulation reports can be viewed or printed. Displacement can be determined in key areas.

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