Inventor has the Capability to convert a part to a (.stl) File that can be used for 3D printing. When converting the Part(.ipt) File to a (.stl) File it is important to have the model open.

Follow the following steps: Step 1: Click on the File tab. Step 2: Scroll down until you Find the Print option. Step 3: Hover over the Print option, and to the right select the 3D Print Preview Option.

Once this print preview screen is active, you will have a few different Options that’s available.
- You can send it directly to a 3D Print service or you can save copy as is.
- When you move to the right you have the option to show or hide Facet Edges
- To the right you will be able to see the file size .

The different Options that’s available when you select the options tab. With the Format options you can select between Binary and ASCII.

The Keywords ASCII and Binary indicates whether the rest of the file is in a Human-Readable ASCII Text format, where the Binary Files are smaller than the text files, but files that are in text format can be Edited Manually.
In the Units tab , you can choose between a variety of units, for instance mm or inch.

You are able to set the Resolution for instance, High / medium or even Custom.

After you have set your Customization and requirements you can send it to a 3D printing service or save as STL Files.

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