What is an Inventor Project? It is Configuration Files that tells Inventor where to look for component files, that works with Assemblies and Drawings. It is important to create the Project location that is easily accessed.
In Inventor 2024.2 the Projects will be visible on the left, with the Parts, Assemblies, Drawings and Presentations that has been created with that Project on the right side.
There are a few ways to Manage your Projects. one of the ways is to select the File Tab, scroll down to manage, and to the right Projects.
Another way to manage your projects, is on the home screen. Next to the Project you can find Projects and settings menu.
Once the settings are opened, you can edit settings of existing Projects, or you can create a new Project.
To create a New Project, simply Select the New Project. Depending on if you are working in collaboration and have Access to Autodesk Vault, you will select the New Single user Project. Here can create your new Project name and the Project file Path.
After the Project has been set up and finished, there are a few customizations that can be done. The Appearance Library and the Material Library will be chosen as Inventor Material Library as default.
Frequently used subfolders can be created, by right clicking on the Folder and selecting add Path Options. This is something that really can benefit a project, as when you create sub folders, parts, assemblies, drawings, for instance can be saved directly in those folders.
In the Folder options you will be able to load custom templates if needed.
To the right you will have the option to custom the content Center that comes with Autodesk Inventor, and select the required Libraries needed for the Project.
When the setup has been completed, you are ready to start with the new Project that has been created, and with the newly created subfolders it will be easy to access the files or save the new Parts, or assemblies for instance as needed in the folders. When the entity is created and you select save, the subfolders that has been created will be accessible.
Thats the basis of Editing an existing Project, or creating up a new project.
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