In Inventor 2018 the focus was on the Graphics and Drawings. Navigational Graphics with assemblies and drawings, for example pan and zoom with selection performance including update performance.

Inventor 2019 had a performance enhancement on the Graphics, Drawings and in the assembly environment. These enhancements was focused on workflow with a big difference in time saving.

Inventor 2020 had a few extra changes with the Performance where the Focus was on the assembly environment, Drawings, Graphic enhancements, and Any CAD. Enhancement was focus driven on the User Interface, workflows with added Customer driven improvements.

Inventor 2021 parts and Assembly environment got a performance upgrade, and further performance enhancements was made in the drawing environment, and Graphics was enhanced.

Inventor 2022 got further Performance upgrades in the assembly environment, Graphics display was improved for changing view orientation, Visual style rendering to Performance improvements done on in-place edit example changing sketch visibility to creating an extrude feature.

Inventor 2023 further enhancements was done on Hardware and graphics, and were the focus shifted for Performance in the Sheet Metal tab , for example the Mark Feature was added that allows for Laser marking, etching and engraving.

Inventor 2024 shifted the attention to enhance the Performance on Pattern Creation, improvements in graphics. Application Options reduced graphic updates during changes, Assembly component and Feature Pattern enhancements. Inventor Interoperability provides Autodesk Products full read/write access to inventor data.

With the latest edition being Inventor 2025, we can see a big change happened with the Performance enhancements in the Model states that ease in the creation and switching of model states. Adaptivity improvements benefiting Assembly datasets. Further performance was added to the opening and closing with assemblies and Drawings. Edit in place for enter and exit Times was enhanced for better performance. Some operation like Frame Generator, the Derive function, Updates and Browser search in Assemblies, Decals for assemblies and Save times was enhanced for optical performance.

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