Some of the key highlights of Inventor 2025 to look forward to are:
- Sheet Metal
- Part Modelling
- Assembly Modelling
- Drawings
- Performance
- Interoperability
When we look at the Key Highlights of the enhancements that is incorporated into Inventor 2025, what does the enhancement do and what does this effect within the software?
- Sheet Metal experiences has been modernized within the interface for making the process more intuitive and more efficient.

2. In the part Modelling environment updates to the Finish Feature with integration of the manufacturing information has been simplified. Patterning enhancements with boundary settings in the sketch and feature environment has been enhanced.

3. Oriented minimum bounding cylinder options added to the options tab of the Derived Part, Derive Assembly and make Part Dialogs.
Display components in separate colors.
- For assemblies, you can now temporarily display components with separate colors. Displaying components in unique colors can assist in selection and in understanding component spatial relationships, and more. You can also define the colors you want to use when displaying separate colors.

4.Enhancements to annotations, Dimensions, BOM, revision tables and standards to drawings have been done. The Highlights of the Drawing enhancements are:
- Presets Added to Format Text Dialog
- Ability to Scale Revision Cloud Arcs
- Background Color Fill Support for Dimensions in DWG
- Use Parts List Properties in Text

A new option has been added for Diameter and Radius dimensions that allows you to hide the extension line. To use this feature, select the extension line, right-click, and select Options.

5.Performance Feedback Recorder that is an Add-in.
This new add-in is designed to assist in determining potential performance issues. Access to the tool is managed through the Add-in Manager. Once loaded, click the Help button, Help drop down, Performance Feedback Recorder and follow the prompts. After recording your feedback, you are presented with a series of panels where you can provide information about your experience.

The last highlight is the seamlessly import of IFC files from Revit and conveniently export RVT or RFA files to earlier version of Revit as far back to 2023.
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