Padds to Prosec Link

Padds is Prokon’s standalone 2D draughting module, with a focus on rebar detailing. The module’s functionality is not limited to simple 2D draughting and rebar detailing. It has a set of very useful functions over and above those mentioned. These functions consist of the following:

  • Combine BS files.
  • Combine BS quantities.
  • Steel profile – Creates a drawing of a steel profile (in plan, elevation or section).
  • Weld symbols.
  • Trace outline.
  • Generate input file – Focus of this blog.
  • Generate mesh.

The Generate input file function traces the outline of a sketch of any profile and sends it to Prosec where the profile’s inputs are generated for you. This is incredibly useful when it comes to complicated geometric shapes and can save you a lot of time and frustration. It is significantly easier to draw a 2D profile in Padds versus, using code inputs, to create that same profile in Prosec in order to have its’ cross-sectional properties calculated and have the profile exported to the Sections Database (check out our blog on Prosec Modelling Essentials –

A simple example is a Z-Channel. Generating all of those radii in Prosec can be tedious and it is very easy to make a mistake. Using the Generate input file function eliminates all of those concerns.

The profile is generated with all of its’ inputs. From here you can evaluate the output and export the member to the Sections Database. Probar 2D also allows for a similar workflow, with the only difference being that in Probar 2D, the profile needs to be converted to a polyline.

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