Prokon Baseplates Explained

The use of Prokon Baseplates in Prokon’s SUMO module does not fulfill any structural role but rather serves as a data collection point and placeholder for use as a Design Link to the Baseplate Design module.

Prokon Baseplates

In SUMO, when placing Prokon Baseplates, you need to select the following:

  • Baseplate material (S355JR, S275JR, etc.).
  • Baseplate thickness.
  • Geometry (optional).
  • Holding-down bolts material (Class 8.8, etc.).
  • Holding-down bolt length.
Prokon Baseplates

As stated before. these parameters do not affect the analysis results of the model, but are imported into the Baseplate Design module along with the analysis results relevant to the support.

In conclusion, adding a Baseplate to your SUMO model does not affect the analysis results but simplifies the process of exporting analysis data to the Baseplate Design module.

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