Prokon Integration Strips Explained

Prokon Integration Strips are added to a model to isolate the elastic analysis results of shell elements (slabs, walls and planes). These strips can be isolated in the Results Workspace by clicking on the Shells tab and in the Strip Chart. The results are a sum of the shell results over the user-defined widths.

Integration Strips are added the same way you would Sub-Frame Strips after selecting the relevant shell element, and can be easily modified by selecting the Integration Strip and selecting Modify in the Command ribbon.

Important: While placing the Integration Strip, every click will define a new width line. Every width line is a point on the Results graphs and more width lines increase the accuracy of the results.

Prokon Integration Strips

Below are the Strip results from the Results Workspace. The width lines indicated above result in additional values on the Strip results.

Prokon Integration Strips

The Strip Chart is simply a graphical isolation of the same results but in a semi-interactive graph.

Prokon Integration Strips

In conclusion, adding Integration Strips to your model allows for the isolation of results of shell elements which in turn allows for more accurate outcomes.

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