When modeling a Raft Foundation within SUMO, one of the essential steps is to add an Area support. The Area Support simulates the soil underneath the foundation. The Area support is placed all along the boundaries of the foundation. The support can also be broken up into different sections with varying Subgrade Modulus values.
*See short clip on modelling Raft Foundations in SUMO – https://youtu.be/9p3jxE5yq6c

Once placed, within the Plane area support properties, there is a Subgrade modulus (kN/m³) property under the Support section (same as the K modulus – soil property within the Beam on Elastic Support module). This value denotes the stiffness of the soil; the higher the value, the stiffer the soil. A list of typical values have been placed to the right of the Properties snap below. Additional values are available on the following website – https://structville.com/2020/07/modulus-of-subgrade-reaction-of-soils.html.

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