Autodesk Inventor i-Logic Rule + Parameters to create concept models using a Form

From time to time, we need to be able to rapidly produce a different version (size) of an existing assembly. Maybe for a catalogue item or costing purposes, etc.

While there are many ways to achieve this, I would like to share a possible solution that could be expanded on to produce many adaptive assemblies.

Step 1: Copy and paste the Update Rule (I-Logic) into the Assembly / I-Logic / Rules. (This is an updated rule that I have and can be shared with anyone, you are welcome to send me an email for a copy of the iLogic Rule).

 Step 2: Create some User Parameters in the Main Assembly file. In this example, we will create a parameter for length, width, and height.

Step 3: Save the assembly. Now add 2 new parts to the assembly.

Step 4: Save the assembly, and then right-click on the Update Rule and select Run Rule.

Step 5: Open each of the new parts and go to the parameters to see that the 3 user parameters that were added in the main assembly have now been added to each part file. Save each part file and the assembly file.

Step 6: Model a rectangular block in the first part of the assembly. Link to the user parameters that are now available in each part.

Step 7: Model a rectangular block in the second part of the assembly. Link the parameters that are now available, but make the second part height to be doubled by adding *2 behind the linked parameters

Step 8: The main assembly should now resemble the image below

Step 9: Next, we want to create a Form to allow quick inputs to update the parameters used in the assembly. We do this by right-clicking and choosing to add form. A new Form Editor window will open, where we will now choose what parameters to add. Drag and drop as indicated below.

Step 10: Next, we want to add the update rule to the form; by clicking on the Rules tab we will see the update rule and can drag and drop it to add to the form. Once your window looks the same as below, hit the OK button to close the editor.

Step 11: In the iLogic / Forms browser you will now see a Form 1 tab, click the tab and a Form 1 window will pop up. You will now see the parameters and an update button, you can now input new sizes and hit the update button and the entire assembly will now automatically update accordingly.

This can be a really good way to visualise an idea to a customer, and possibly a good way to create images to show options in a catalogue. The form makes it intuitive to input requirements and visualise the desired results. The form is simple to create and can be renamed to suit your preferences.

Below are a few options that I created.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and truly hope that you have got some value to apply in your day-to-day activities.

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