Please read part 1 for the first few steps to be done to setup your Autodesk Vault.
After the Project has been created and the file paths created within Inventor and the workspace, you will have to map the folders.
Log into the Autodesk Vault through Inventor. Access the Vault Tab and Log in.
In the drop-down menu of the access panel is the option you will find to Map Folders.

Once this tab is open, select the Project Root folder, and select Edit. This allows for the mapping to the desired Location.

You should now have the correct structure configured to begin adding Inventor files to the Vault.
Note: $/Designs in Vault Explorer are equal to “Server Location Drive or PC location for \Designs” in Windows Explorer. It is very important to take note that the structure inside Vault and outside the Vault must match.
Now for the final few steps. You can open Autodesk Vault on the workstation. Select the Project Explorer ($) folder and notice the newly created inventor Project.

Simply right click on the Project and select Check in.

Now this Project will be in Vault. If there is multiple workstations that needs to be linked to this project, you can simply open Autodesk Vault on those workstations, go the Project Explorer ($) folder, look for the project on the right, right click on it and select get.

Now the Vault will be ready and setup and linked to the different workstations as needed or required. Now to test the setup, create a part in inventor. Next to the Model browser click on the + icon to add Vault menu next to the browser. Once the test part has been completed, you can check it into Vault by right clicking on the part name, and select check in.

Once the Part has been checked in, you can open your Vault on the workstation, click on the designs Folder, and will be able to see the Part to the right. This indicates your Vault is setup and the Check in to Vault Worked correctly.

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