Revit – Note Black Family and Schedule
An often-overlooked capability of Revit is to use a note block family and schedule to represent construction notes that are reused across projects, sheets and views. In essence, it is a metric generic annotation family, containing a number and description parameter of your creation.
Such a family may have a leader and may be pointed at any object on the screen. It is not the same as a keynote which is embedded in the component. The closest equivalent would be a custom keynote. And justice like the keynote schedules, a sheet filter may be applied so that only the relevant construction notes are filtered out among the views on a sheet. It was demonstrated to me by a customer, and I have since adopted it.
If you need help adopting the AEC Collection or the Autodesk Construction Cloud in your practice or you are looking to invest in hardware, please contact Micrographics so that we may be of assistance.

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