Windows ZIP file Error Disable Autodesk Inventor Part Extension

If you, like me, work with ZIP file formats, then there is a bug in Windows 11 that is activated with the installation of Autodesk Inventor and that can be particularly irritating. Every time you work with the ZIP file a windows error dialog box opens and interrupts your current action and requires you to click OK.

The solution to this bug is discussed in the following two posts (one in a Microsoft Windows forum and the other in an Autodesk forum)

Windows 11 Error window when clicking on .zip files

Extension to the Inventor program causing strange error with zip files on Windows 11…

You need to download and run the third-party app ShellExView. Please check with your IT before downloading to make sure it is safe.

After you run ShellExView you must navigate to the Autodesk Inventor Part extension, right click and disable the selected item.

Windows ZIP file Error Disable Autodesk Inventor Part Extension

You may initially be surprised to find that the issue persists. The reason for this is that you need to run Inventor at least once before the fix takes effect.

There are some of us in the AEC sector that need to work with Inventor and so I suspect as more people adopt windows 11 (the cut-off date is next year, October 2025) this issue will become more prominent, and the fix will have to be affected more often. We eagerly await Autodesk releasing future updates that does not require us to take remedial action.

If you need help adopting the AEC Collection or the Autodesk Construction Cloud in your practice or you are looking to invest in hardware, please contact Micrographics so that we may be of assistance.

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