Consider a scenario where a company has a vertically integrated structure. This is often the case with large companies that might have Architectural, Interior Architecture, and a variety of Engineering disciplines within their company structure.

With an enforced naming structure, and with the filenames in a team corresponding to the originator code, we need roles to handle the relevant permissions.

Add a role for each of the divisions and predicate the new role with the relevant originator code. While everyone in the company has the same company applied, they are differentiated by role.

Note, the role of “Project Member” is added to make access to the project easy. Shown below is a typical company. Some of these users will be Structural Engineers, and some will be Structural Detailers.

We need to give them access to the relevant team folders. Obviously, anybody with administrative privileges has total access to the folder and should be acting with unimpeachable character. Anybody that needs to use collaboration for Revit is given access via the custom role created for the vertically integrated discipline via edit permission. In addition to the normal users a nominated BIM manager is made responsible for managing the folder.

The creation of reviews can easily be done. Again, custom roles can be created to route the reviews to the correct persons. In the case that reviewers have to be grouped across companies, just apply the relevant custom role to them.

If you need help adopting ACC Collaborate in your practice, please contact Micrographics so that we may be of assistance.
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