If you only have an ACC Docs license, you may be tempted to use the platform as a snagging tool for construction issues. The ACC Build license is the correct platform to use for this, but it is an additional licence that is not always employed on the project you might be engaged in.
Creating the issue is as per usual, and then you can attach multiple files (images and videos).

To have access to these files, you first need to upload them to the platform. In Docs it would be best to create a subfolder per issue as the filtering does not include the ability to identify files per description field. You can attach any files that are supported by Docs.

When the Issue Detail Report is generated as a PDF, the files that are attached as images are not displayed, but there is a link for a Docs user to follow to the Issue itself.

If you want to open the image file, simply click on the file name.

The image file opens in a new tab. Note, you can add markups to the images.

The same is true of the video file. The controls allow you to play the file. Videos does not allow you to create markups.

The very fact that you cannot pull a report with the images attached is a limitation. The other irritation is that you do not have direct access to a camera when creating the issue.
Compare this to the ACC Build license. Here it is easy to access the snagging via a mobile phone.

Images or video can now easily be attached via sheets even just using a mobile phone. Furthermore, the ACC Build Issue Report contains the images and can easily be distributed. Videos are not supported on the report. I would have expected there to be a hyperlink to the videos, but of course one can just open the issue directly to access them. The question is how one would know there were video attachments, so perhaps a good ACC BIM protocol should stipulate that the report is superseded by the online version of the issue.

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