The Dynamic UCS (User Coordinate System) tool can be very useful. Consider this simple of a rectangular extrusion that has been inclined in two planes. There is no easy way to use the World Coordinate system and then rotate about X, Y, or Z axes to set them to any one face.
Instead, enable the Dynamic UCT tool from the Customization chevron
Now, suppose we need to draw a 10mm radius circle in the center of the large flat face, 30 mm from the long edge and 50 mm from the short edge.
After invoking the circle command, hover over the face and note the orientation of the red arms of the cursor on the highlighted face. This indicates the dynamic UCS X direction.
To switch the direction, hover over the adjoining short face.
Note the orientation after moving over the large face again.
I am going to use the “From” object snap override followed by a relative direction vector input. I chose the relevant corner as the reference point.
The direction vector now uses the dynamic UCS for the Axes.
As a check, not the “Y” value is as required.
As well as the “X”.
An alternative would be to use the UCS by face command. This establishes the UCS in a more permanent manner. The orientation of the UCS directions is established just like with the Dynamic UCS method.
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