AutoCAD 2022 Feels Slick

I often use an analogy to explain AutoCAD and AutoCAD verticals to clients. AutoCAD is like a great executive saloon. You can drive the saloon on a farm road, but you can also take it for a spin on the track over the weekend. Yet, it will never be a rally car, and neither will it be a racer, so while you can do almost everything with it, it might just not be so fast as a modified version.

The Autodesk verticals like Advance Steel, Civil 3D and Plant 3D are built on top of Autodesk AutoCAD. You are not stupid if you use the AutoCAD API to build your platform on. It is like that reliable V8 that has all the mods available.

I have been working with AutoCAD since 1997, and I have taught classes since 2014. I have never been as impressed with the platform as of today. One can sense a real refined feel to the interface. It is like they thought of many things to make the user’s life easier, especially beginners.

Most of all, I appreciate that they included links to things that we Application Engineers pay attention to, but clients seldom do. Now their attention is quickly directed to relevant topics for new users.

Check out these cool links below to some useful links:

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