AutoCAD 2022 – View Placement Improvements

I am very impressed with the way in which AutoCAD now handles the creation of views on sheets. I first struggled with creating printed drawings in 2012. Back then I used the AutoCAD 2007 commands SOLVIEW, SOLDRAW, and SOLPROF to generate my drawings from model elements.

More recently, I used the viewports to great effect. It was always a process to place the viewport, enter the viewport, zoom in to the correct element, center the view exit the view, set the scale, and then lock the view, after which the view was resized to for the elements.

Now AutoCAD is better than ever before. It is easier than ever for new users to create beautiful plots.

The recipe could not be simpler.

1. Create a new custom view in the model of what you would like to print and give it a name.

2. Go to the layout and insert the view as a viewport into the layout

3. Right Mouse Click (RMC) and set the required scale

4. Place the view

5. Click on the view and adjust the scale if necessary

What is beautiful about this workflow is that the viewports are centered and sized from the start. They are also locked, so inadvertent changing of the scale will not happen if the user forgot to lock the viewport.

While this might not seem like a large change, the ease of the process makes it a pleasure to work with, and something new users can easily get used to. All they must do is follow the instructions.

If you need help adopting AutoCAD, please contact Micrographics so we may be of assistance.

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