Autodesk ACC Collaborate Pro Re-use Packages as Sets of Documents to Share

Those with Collaborate licenses can designate files and share them in packages. These packages can be reused in future to share the same files again. If the team share packages with varying sets of documents, they will need to locate the relevant package in the time liner before they can be reused.

Autodesk ACC Collaborate Pro Re-use Packages as Sets of Documents to Share

One can subscribe to package shares and consumption and get email notifications. Do this by clicking on the envelope button next to your home team. The notifications can be intrusive in general, but I found that routing them into project folders using rules in Microsoft Outlook mitigates the impact they have on my workday.  

If one shares the package oneself, one does not get a notification. This makes it impossible to locate the correct package from a search through one’s email folders.

Autodesk ACC Collaborate Pro Re-use Packages as Sets of Documents to Share

However, if one of the recipients subscribes and searches for the mail notification, they can search by package name and see the date of the package share, and then the package can be reused after locating it on the TimeLiner. This is not good form (having recipients locate one’s packages, but it is the only available situation).

If you would like to have Autodesk develop packages to be searchable, please consider voting for the idea here:

At the very least a simple notification to one’s own email will suffice as a search method.

If you need help adopting the AEC Collection or the Autodesk Construction Cloud in your practice or if you are looking to invest in hardware, please contact Micrographics so that we may be of assistance.

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