The lockdown and social distancing we are all subjected to is disruptive to our traditional way of doing things. It also offers unprecedented opportunities for us to adapt and apply Autodesk technology to our advantage. Being connected to a single source of truth in the cloud through BIM 360 Plan affords us real-time intelligence on the status of the building site. For some more great insight into the benefits of using BIM 360 Plan, a Percent Plan Complete (PPC) tracking app. Please click on the picture to follow the link to the testimonial video.
I was impressed by this video and I was also pleasantly surprised how easy the app is to use. I am sure anyone with project planning experience will find this app intuitive. Ultimately the entire team of contractors should be attending weekly planning meetings and the foremen on-site should be giving feedback through the app as well.
If you need assistance using BIM 360 Plan, please contact Micrographics so we may be of assistance to you.