Since AutoCAD version 2015 the Classic mode workspace as a preset has been taken away. This is frustrating for some users but here is a way to set up AutoCAD’s User interface so that it looks like he old classic Mode.
First, open AutoCAD and a new drawing. Type the command ‘ribbonclose’ and enter to close the Ribbon. You will now see an empty AutoCAD with no ribbon visible.
Now type the command ‘filetabclose’ and enter to close the tabs at the top of the drawing area showing the files that are open. See below.
Now to get the menubar open you’ll type the command ‘menubar’ and enter. Set it to 1.
Now to get the toolbars to show type ‘-toolbar’ and enter. Remember to add the dash or minus sign before the command as that allows you to execute the command via the keyboard. Then type ‘draw’ and select ‘Show” as option. This will show the draw toolbar.
Now Right mouse click (RMC) on an open area on the draw toolbar, select AutoCAD and open up the other toolbars you need.
Position them around the User Interface as you need them.
You can also dock the command line by clicking and dragging the command line to the bottom of the screen so that it docks.
Once you have the look you want you can save the UI by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom right of your screen and Saving your workspace.
Give it a name like: Classic so that you can access it later on.
Now that you have set up the look to be similar two more settings I’ll set to make AutoCAD work like in the past. The one is to turn off the Dynamic Input or Heads up display when drawing line for instance. See example below. To turn of simply press F12 on the keyboard once.
You can also change the Rightclick to be enter by typing the command ‘shortcutmenu’ and set it to 0.
To set the cursor to display its crosshairs across the screen you can type the command ‘cursorsize’ and set it to 100.
There are many other commands that might be relevant depending on the AutoCAD version you are used to but commands as above gets the newer AutoCADs to look and feel very similar to the older ones.