Civil 3D 2022 – Transform a Drawing from Mauritius-ZONE to Local Grid Mauritius 2012

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Now a typical workflow is to interoperate between Infraworks, Civil 3D, and Revit. One would expect that Infraworks would be able to use this coordinate system to create a model, but as can be seen from the feedback from the model builder, Infraworks was not able to create the model using this custom coordinate system. Hence, it is not possible to interoperate using this method.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Civil 3D, Custom Coordinate, Local Grid Mauritius 2012, Mauritius-ZONE

If another coordinate system is used, for example, Mauritius-ZONE, then Infraworks and Civil 3D work well together. In this case, because I needed some rough estimation of the conditions on-site, I opened an Infraworks model in Civil 3D to create a rough approximation of the existing ground surface.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Civil 3D, Custom Coordinate, Local Grid Mauritius 2012, Mauritius-ZONE

The problem with doing the project in this coordinate system is that the Eastings and Northings are then not correct. This complicates matters. Using Autodesk Map 3D, it is possible to run a query on a file import to translate geometry from the coordinate system to the next, but surfaces and other Civil 3D definitions do not translate.

Transform surface from one coordinate system to another

Open a new file, use the coordinate system to Mauritius_LGM-2012. Attach the Civil 3D project by using the Map 3D Map Browser. If the browser does not display, use the MAPWSPACE command to display it.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Civil 3D, Custom Coordinate, Local Grid Mauritius 2012, Mauritius-ZONE

Run a Draw Query to redraw at least some of the Civil 3D Projects in the current project (the geometry is translated into the Mauritius_LGM-2012 coordinate system from the Mauritius-ZONE coordinate system. Not all geometry can be redrawn. See this article for more details.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Civil 3D, Custom Coordinate, Local Grid Mauritius 2012, Mauritius-ZONE

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