A Corporate BIM protocol is a living document and is important for a variety of reasons.
Standardization is important in any practice. There is nothing as irritating as having to rework a project to look like the standard of one’s office. What about the naming of files, or their storage within folders? How many use Revit straight out of the box? Are the line styles great to work with?
Collaboration: in the big scheme of things, how easy is it for others to work with one’s files? Are the models too large, should they have been broken up instead? Is clash detection easy and does it give the financial benefits one expects of a premium package like Revit?
Many companies go to great lengths to set up standards and folders to how they are currently working. Great presence of mind, and good practice, but how relevant is their system to the rest of the industry (and to the rest of the world)? How much effort does it take a new member of their team to learn and apply the standards? What if a power user is lost to the team and takes their much relied upon knowledge with them?
My question to you is simple: why reinvent the wheel? In many cases, this is exactly what I see in my mind’s eye when investigating many practices in operation in South Africa today.
Contract Micrographics to roll out a Corporate BIM Protocol for your company. Given the minimum of effort, you will be adopting a system based on the UK Protocol that will make you easily compliant with the rest of the BIM standards on the planet (with the minimum of fuss).
Imagine for a second you were not in AEC, but manufacturing instead. Should we not embrace the tried and tested methods to deliver better-built environments?