How to Change Properties in a Spec in AutoCAD Plant 3D

Change Properties in a Spec in AutoCAD Plant 3D

In this video we showcase the workflow to adjust or modify properties in the spec that is being utilised in AutoCAD Plant 3D through the spec editor. These properties will be for components that have already been inserted into your Plant 3D project. Still looking for answers? Start a discussion with other professionals in your […]

Inventor Model Browser Visual Effects

Micrographics Youtube Cover

In this video we showcase how to manipulate the user interface when it comes to the model browser. If you do not want to see all the entries for your workplanes, work axes and work ponts there is a switch for that. If you would also like to have the ability to see more informations […]

Switch Excel Spreadsheet with Different Values in Inventor

Switch Excel Spreadsheet with Different Values in Inventor

In this video we showcase how to switch out an excel spreadheet that has been inserted into Inventor. The values in the new spreadsheet are slightly different to the values in the original by having a prefix or a suffix. Still looking for answers? Start a discussion with other professionals in your industry!  Was this […]

What does the Autodesk Vault Job Server do?

Autodesk Vault Job Server

With every Inventor or Product Design and Manufacturing Collection (PDMC) you purchase from Autodesk, you will get access to the data management system that Autodesk has developed. This software is the Autodesk Vault. There are 2 versions of the Autodesk Vault. The one that you get as an entitlement when purchasing Inventor or PDMC is […]

How to Quantify Blocks with AutoCAD Count

AutoCAD Count

One of the advantages of purchasing a full AutoCAD instead of AutoCAD LT is the ability to do a count of blocks. This count could be done through the data extraction function which is only available in AutoCAD Full. With the data extraction you could then take the information and either put it on the […]

Managing Colours and layers in AutoCAD Plant 3D

Managing Colours and layers in AutoCAD Plant 3D

When working in AutoCAD Plant 3D you might want to have the pipes that are drawn up in different colours. These colours might be representative of the conceptual DWG that was drawn up or you could have some preset up so that when you create the different pipe runs there is minimal effort trying to […]

AutoCAD Plant 3D Conduit with Coupling Connection

AutoCAD Plant 3D Conduit with Coupling Connection

In this video we showcase how to create fixed pipe length in AutoCAD Plant 3D with a compound joint to add a coupling between each placed pipe. Still looking for answers? Start a discussion with other professionals in your industry!  Was this helpful? Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

Autodesk Vault Lifecycle Transition

Autodesk Vault Lifecycle Transition

In this video we showcase Autodesk Vault‘s ability to manage the flow of data through the lifecycle states depending on the user permissions. Still looking for answers? Start a discussion with other professionals in your industry!  Was this helpful? Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

Autodesk Vault Password Policy

Autodesk Vault Password Policy

In this video we showcase how to activate the Vault password policy in Autodesk Vault Professional to enhance security of your data. Still looking for answers? Start a discussion with other professionals in your industry!  Was this helpful? Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

Vault – PDF and IDW Revision Mismatch

Vault - PDF and IDW Revision Mismatch

I was presented with an issue a few weeks ago where the PDF that ws automatically created by the Job Processor on a Lifecycle State change did not have the same Revision number that the IDW had. This was probably due to the fact that the user running the Job Processor and creating the PDF […]