How to create a thatch roof in Revit
To start the tutorial, I created four walls forming a small rectangular building.
The next couple of steps will be to create an In Place Conceptual Mass to form the basic roof. Go to the Massing and Site Tab and click the In-Place mass tool. Give the roof a name.
Click the Set Work plane tool pick the short side of your building.
Change the view using the View Cube so you see the short side of the building head on. Using the lines tools draw a similar shape, perhaps using the mirror tool as well. Make sure the lines are selected and click Create Mass and then Finish Mass.
View the building and roof in 3D. It should look like this. Select the mass and click Edit in place on the ribbon.
No select the roof again and click X-Ray on the ribbon.
Now click Add Profile to start adding segments to your roof.
Add a couple of segments to your roof.
Now we are going to edit the shape of the roof to form the organic shape. Select the two notes as shown.
Change the view to view the roof as shown.
Click the Move tool and move the two nodes a meter or two upwards.
It should look like this.
And if you view you roof in 3d you should see something similar where the roof is starting to take shape.
Using the same process, you can move some of the other nodes to change the form of the roof. Click Finish roof.
Now select the Model by Face tool on the Massing and Site Tab and select the roof mass.
Click Create Roof and a roof will be created on the top of the mass.
Here is a another view of the roof.