High Priority Memory Mode for Autodesk Products in Windows 11

When you want your computer to give preference to the Autodesk software you are running, you need to set the memory priority mode for the application in Windows. This may improve the responsiveness of your Autodesk software, and in certain cases (I know of one client that had this issue with Civil 3D), it may even fix some issues due to the shortcomings of the hardware in relation to what the software requires.

Previously it was possible to run a .BAT file when starting up the software, but when I tried this in Windows 11, I found that the software starts, but then shuts down immediately. It remains for us therefore to demonstrate how to manually override the memory propriety when needed. We unfortunately cannot run in high priority be default any more. 

Taking Revit as an example, open the application.


Next, open the Task Manager. If you need, search Windows 11 for “Task Manager”.


Expand the Revit node, then Right Mouse Click (RMC) and select Go to details.

Autodesk, Micrographics, High Priority Memory Mode, Windows 11

Now there are three processes running that you need to enable to run in High Priority Memory Mode. RMC on Revit.exe and expand Set priority, then change to High.

Autodesk, Micrographics, High Priority Memory Mode, Windows 11

When prompted, change priority to High.

Autodesk, Micrographics, High Priority Memory Mode, Windows 11

Now do the same for RevitWorker.exe and RevitAccelerator.exe. This is the process to follow each time that you want Revit to run in High Priority mode. The same method applies to other Autodesk software (like Civil 3D) when you want to give it memory precedence.

If you need help adopting AutoCAD in your practice, please contact Micrographics so that we may be of assistance.

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