How do I find the Revit Viewer

How do I find the Revit Viewer


We recently had a couple of requests from customers on questions on where they can find and download a viewer to view Revit files with.

Online Viewer

Although the online Autodesk Viewer can be used without downloading any software the customer wanted to view the files using an installed viewer. For reference the Autodesk online Viewer can be found at :

How do I find the Revit Viewer -1 online viewer

Revit Viewer

The Revit viewer is actually installed with the full version of Revit and the Revit LT Viewer is installed with Revit LT. its auto installs and you don’t have to do anything.

Once you have installed Revit the Revit Viewer exists but the Revit Viewer icon is not shown on the Windows Desktop. So you need to access the Revit Viewer from the Start menu and create the desktop icon by going to the File Location and creating a Shortcut on the Desktop.

How do I find the Revit Viewer -2 Start menu

You can then use this Viewer to view and print any Revit files. You cannot Save or Export your project.

How do I find the Revit Viewer -3 Viewer Mode

License agreement

Because you are installing a trial of Revit make sure that you don’t use the trial part of the installation and only the Revit Viewer side. If you mistakenly use the trial for commercial use like viewing and printing you might be held accountable for using a Revit license.

So be sure to use only the Revit Viewer icon and nothing else.


This Revit Viewer allow you to enhance your workflows to include users that can view your progress and to print the views and sheets.

If you need any further training or have any question wrt the topic, please reach out to us at:

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