How to create a Windows Batch file to solve the error “Revit Worker was not Found”.
We recently received a number of similar requests from different customer to solve the same problem. The software the customer use id Revit LT. The problem comes up when they start up Revit LT and the window looks like this:
The solution
If you google you’ll find the following Autodesk article:
And they assist you through the problem. The solution I found to work is to create a Windows batch file and run the it and then to reinstall Revit LT. However the article do not explain how to make a windows batch file.
Process to creating the batch file:
Right click on your Windows Desktop and create a text document.
Rename the text file to anything, perhaps “Revit Worker”.
Open the file in Notepad by just double clicking the file and if asked select Notepad to use to open the file. Paste the follow text from the Autodesk Support article into the text file:
sc config winmgmt start= disabled
net stop winmgmt /y
cd %windir%\system32\wbem
for /f %%s in (‘dir /b *.dll’) do regsvr32 /s %%s
wmiprvse /regserver
winmgmt /resetrepository
sc config winmgmt start= auto
net start winmgmt
Close and Save the text file.
To create the batch file you need to firstly be able to see the .txt file extension after the name of your text file.
If you see it you can skip the following task. If not, then open either This PC icon on the desktop or Windows Explorer.
Then select the View tab and enable the ‘Show File Extensions’ option. Close the Window.
These steps will enable the display of the .txt file extension. Now to create the batch file you’ll need to rename the text file once again and change the file extension to .bat as shown.
The batch file has been created and you can now run this batch file. The only other thing to do is to uninstall Revit LT and install it again.
If you need any further training or have any question wrt the topic, please reach out to us at: