How to request new features to be added to Lumion

How to request new features to be added to Lumion


We recently received a request from a client in which they requested us to add a certain feature to Lumion. We investigated and there is a process for end-users to request these new features.


I will look at the process of submitting a new feature to the Lumion developers.

The first step is to visit the new Lumion community Forum at and login.

How to request new features to be added to Lumion -1 Forum

Then scroll down and select the “Send Feedback to Lumion Team” option.

How to request new features to be added to Lumion -2 Send Feedback

Then in the following dialogue box you’ll select the “I have an idea for a new feature” option.

How to request new features to be added to Lumion - 3 process step1

Then you can select the appropriate option in your case.  In our case we selected the “add better realism and context to the Project” option as we wanted to ask for medical personas and equipment to be added to the Lumion libraries.

How to request new features to be added to Lumion - 3 process step2

In the next dialogue box you could then follow the prompts and select the appropriate options. Below is an example.

How to request new features to be added to Lumion - 3 process step3

Then it will ask you if you want to add images or reference files. I would suggest that you add as many info as you can as the more you do the clearer the point you want to make is. For instance, if you want to Lumion to add medical doctors and nurses then you should upload examples of such content.

How to request new features to be added to Lumion - 3 process step4

On the next page you add your details and submit.

How to request new features to be added to Lumion - 3 process step5


If you think of a new feature that will improve Lumion please share it with the Lumion team. This will assist them in knowing what their users want.

If you need any further training or have any question wrt the topic, please reach out to us at:

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