This week was the week in which two clients had issues with large model imports into Lumion 11. The error message they received is that the file they tried to import was too large. In both cases, they were creating large projects and preparing them in Lumion in parallel. They did this by exporting to Colada files and then re-importing the files into Lumion. Then, at one stage, the files became too large and Lumion could no longer import them / update them. The issue is discussed here:
I discovered that the DAE file should be around 1GB to import without issue. The solution for the clients involved a bit of rework. They were using programs with which I was not familiar, but that performs in much the same way as Revit.
I know from exporting DAE files for a model variation effect that switching off or hiding geometry in the 3D view that is exported to DAE results in a smaller DAE file being exported. The same holds true for Sketchup and ArchiCAD. In this software, there are layers that can be used to place geometry on and switched off.
In one case, a 2.4 GB file was converted into three files of around 1GB each. We tried a 2GB file but this was too large again. With Revit there is a possibility through the Lumion Add-in to reduce the complexity, but not so with Sketchup. If you are working towards a deadline then please check the export sizes and plan ahead.
If you need help using Lumion in your practice, please contact Micrographics so we may be of assistance.