Lumion to Revit Live Link

With the new Lumion 7.3 the Revit to Lumion workflow is better than ever! For one, it makes it easier to navigate the model while designing, and if one is planning to use the materials in Revit to define what the model is going to look like (allowing uniformity between Revit and Lumion renders), then it is a very good feedback tool. If one would like to apply materials using Lumion, however, then one would have to export and apply materials as usual.

Download and install the latest Bridge that includes LiveSync:

Frequently asked questions and answers may be found here:

Tutorials may be found here:

Lumion plug-in revit

Choose the settings required.

Lumion Sync

Press “Play” and insert it into Lumion.

Lumion to Revit Live Link

As can be seen, there is now a much closer resemblance between Lumion and Revit materials. This makes it possible to manipulate the materials from within Revit to synch to Lumion.

Lumion Software

In fact, one is not allowed to edit materials that are being live synched:

Lumion Software

Even when, as shown below, live synch is switched off.

Lumion Software

Changing the paving layer in Revit now updates the Lumion model.

Lumion Software

Also, if objects are added or modified in Revit, they are automatically updated in Lumion. Here a column, decals (using cut-out masks) and trees (RPC) content is added.

Lumion to Revit

While the column and decals are ported, the cut-outs are not applied. And as can be seen below, RPC content is not transferred at all. No trees, motor vehicles or people were synched to Lumion.

Lumion to Revit

The upshot of it is that while modelling should be done in Revit (Including material definition), Placement of motor vehicles, people and plants should be done in Lumion.

The Lumion model may be exported as usual as a .DAE file, in which case materials may be applied as usual

Export to Lumion


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