How to manually highlight rows within a Revit schedule with colour.
This can be done a couple of ways but the one I’ll illustrate is by adding a project parameter to a Schedule and then using this parameter in a Conditional Format setup to add the colour to the cell in the rows.
In Revit 2018 I’ve opened the basic sample project.
Open the Planting schedule. Click Edit button next to the Fields button at the Properties pallet. Click add new Parameter.
Name the new Parameter ‘Colour On’ and set the Type to a ‘Yes/No’ parameter. Click Ok.
Click OK. The schedule should look like this. Notice the tick boxes in the new ‘Colour On’ column.
Now click the Edit button next to the Formatting part in the Properties pallet.
In the dialogue box that appear select the Field on the left which you want to add a colour to. For instance, Type Mark. Tick the box ‘Show Conditional format on Sheet’ if you want the colour thatwould appear in the schedule to also appear on the sheet. Then click Conditional Format on the right.
Now set up the condition and select a colour as shown.
Click OK and tick one or two of the boxes in the ‘Colour On’ column. Notice the colour now appear inside the corresponding Type Mark cell.
You can now repeat the process to add colours to other columns by clicking on the Formatting Edit button and adding Conditional Formatting. See below.
If you now tick or untick the boxes you can turn the colour on or off on each row at will.
If you don’t want to see the ‘Colour On’ column on the sheets you can Hide the column by right clicking it and selecting Hide. See below how it appears on the sheets.