Revit 17.1 – New Features vs Bugs and Fixes

New Revit versions bring new opportunities to improve workflows and efficiencies, and to learn new skills that are relevant. These can result in a significant competitive advantage over the competition. New features of Revit versions and updates may be investigated after installation <What’s New>

Revit 17.1 – New Features vs Bugs and Fixes

On the other hand, bugs that invariably get fixed in time might seriously hamper productivity in the short term. After a quick search the following fixes for Revit 2017 are found:


I believe it is the task of the BIM managers to guide management as to when to implement new technology and training programs. This is not a simple task and should not be taken lightly.

As soon as a new version is released, BIM managers should run through a checklist of all the technologies that is required to complete company projects. They should also keep their eyes on the Autodesk forums to see whether others have recognised Bugs they may have missed

Should bugs be found, they should be brought to the attention of Autodesk through the forums and if necessary through Autodesk resellers (we are able to escalate a query). This will alert Autodesk to bugs that need to be fixed. If a bug they discovered is not explicitly stated as being fixed, they should check it nonetheless.

I am looking forward to learning about Dynamo Player, Modeling in Perspective (Camera Views), Energy Optimization,  Improved Railing Tools, Split Structural and Framing Tools and Improved MEP Fabrication Modeling to mention a few.

Whatever you decide (stay with an earlier version of Revit or use the latest) remember that Revit is not backwards compatible, so archer your projects before upgrading (and remember to audit when you do).

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