Revit 2021 – Save and Paly Dynamo Definitions on BIM 360 Docs

Is it possible to store a Revit dynamo file on the cloud and then use it in with Revit Dynamo Payer? I created a Dynamo script to test and then uploaded it to the cloud. Note, the Dynamo script can be locked from within the file structure exposed by the Autodesk Desktop Connector.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

The Dynamo script can also be locked from within the file structure exposed by BIM 360 on a web browser.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

When browsing to the Dynamo definition from within Dynamo, the Autodesk File Open dialogue also offers one the opportunity to lock the file.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

Will the file lock itself automatically when it is run from within Revit? In the case of the Windows file browser, no.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

Neither does the file lock on the web interface.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

If there are more than one Dynamo programmers that operate on the file, then please write some checklist into the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) so that they are reminded to lock the file the operate on first.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

The lock is not visible when browsing to the field from Revit but a Right Mouse Click (RMC) exposes the state of the file.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

The next question is, will the file operate from within the Dynamo player?

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

The Dynamo definition is loaded and performs well.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit 2021, Dynamo Definition, BIM 360 Docs

For the last test, I am going to lock the Dynamo Definition using another user then I am running the script. Finally, I see if I can edit the locked file from within the player.

If you need help adopting BIM and Revit, please contact Micrographics so we may be of further assistance.


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