There has been a lot of frustration regarding the management of Project parameters in Revit, which has now been solved with an update that includes a brand-new way of managing Project parameters. A welcome improvement. This shows how voting for ideas impacts the way in which Revit is developed in the future.
One can now even filter and sort parameters. Since the explosion in projects completed using standards applied to satisfy some or other BIM protocol, the proliferation of project parameters has made a proper interface for managing them of paramount importance.
Please remember that shared parameters generate their own global unique parameter and can exist in the same project as another shared parameter with the same name but a differing global unique identifier. Be careful when downloading content for Revit and when combining projects, that duplicate confuse schedules and should be managed according to protocol.
If you need help adopting Revit and BIM in your practice, please contact Micrographics so we may be of assistance.